Winterizing the space for my laser engraver

Winterizing the space for my laser engraver

blast gate for venting my aeon mira 9 laser
The cold weather is almost here!!! and I need take precautions to prevent damage to my laser tube.
My laser resides in my insulated, but not heated garage in NY. I have a blast gate to prevent the cold air from entering through the hose. I also run an oil filled radiator in that space, (all winter long). And because I don't want to take any risks, I have a wifi connected temperature gauge, that notifies me if the temperature inside my garage falls below 35 degrees.
Others use antifreeze, aquarium heaters, heating blankets, warming lamps etc.
If you live in a colder climate, what method do you use to keep your laser warm and cozy during the winter? - blast gate - aff link - temperature gauge - aff link
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